Please make a direct cash deposit to our bank account:
Nuran Bank-Head office, Mohieddin Fkini Street OR Nuran Bank (Tripoli Tower Branch, 2nd Floor, T: +218 (0) 21 3351460)
Account Name: المجلس الثقافي البريطاني
British Council Account No: 1000576602010
It is MANDATORY TO STATE THE CANDIDATES NAME AND PASSPORT NUMBER in the cash deposit slip under the ‘deposited by’ section.
Scan and email the below required documents to
1) Bank cash deposit receipt
2) A copy of your valid passport
3) parent passport/ID copy.
In order to complete the registration, we need to receive the mentioned documents by email before the deadline. Unfortunately, if we do not receive these documents, your booking is not complete.
When your booking is confirmed, you will receive an email confirmation from our exams team.