Looking forward, our main mission is to position the British Council and the UK as Libya's key international partners for progress with a focus on English, higher education and the arts.

Work with us

To help us achieve our ambitions we work closely with local organisations and businesses and will continue building on our existing relationships with both the public and private sectors.

We are keen to hear from potential new partners with whom we can work on new research leading to new, innovative, mutually-beneficial ways of creating Libya's future. 

In Libya, we are already working with most Government Ministries on an enormous range of projects, ideas and initiatives. These include:

  • Ministry of Interior
  • National Board of Technical and Vocational Education
  • Ministry of Culture and Civil Society
  • Ministry of Planning. 

The Libyan government has made a huge commitment to internal investment and has allocated a large percentage of its ministerial budget to education.

We are therefore proud and delighted to work closely on some exciting and relevant education initiatives for both the Ministry for General Education and the Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research. 

As well as the main Government Ministries, we are also working with NOC (The National Oil Corporation) and we’re actively looking for more ways to develop professional relationships with similar organisations.

We are starting to work increasingly with the blossoming private sector in Libya and are particularly keen to work collaboratively with international companies with CSR commitments who are looking for ways to work in Libya.

For more information, please contact us.